Growing minds require moving bodies
Youth who move enjoy greater expression and overall life balance.
Youth Learn To:
Gain personal confidence.
Make movement an important part of their everyday lives.
Access feelings and connections through movement.
Move from their own inner motivation
Unlock creativity through movement.
Become stronger and more flexible.
Classes Include:
Group Movement
Dance, yoga, Pilates and Somatic blend in supportive Youth environment.
Counteract stress and anxiety specific to youth concerns.
Work together toward common goals to create trust, confidence and connection.
Individual sessions
Strengthen weak connections, develop core focused on youth growth patterns.
Develop an actor, dancer’s inner motivation and outer expression through one on one movement sessions.
Focusing Vital Energy
Some of the issues facing our youth today are having enormous effects their well being. We live in a time where youth are dealing with intense social media pressure, race concerns, poverty, environmental a d health disasters and more. With support, our youth are have the ability to identify the problems affecting themselves and others. Youth have the innate energy and creative power to find solutions to these problems.
Movement gives a voice and an expressive outlet to release tension, free up this vital energy to be focused into areas of need.
Our youth are our present and our future. The more youth learn to become confident, relaxed, focused, creative and alive the better our world will be.
“I met Julie over 15 years ago. I was instantly attracted to her exuberance and zest for life. Her focal point has always been on the health and empowerment of young girls and women. Julie has been a great support and positive influence in mine and my daughter’s life, as well as the many communities that she is a part of.”
-Kym Benedict
Classes will help youth feel safe sharing, identify key issues they hold, release held patterns and move forward with a movement process that heals, transforms and creates confidence for them to succeed.