Train core muscles to move and perform pain free.
Master the simple skills it takes to move from a strong and connected core to become a better dancer and athlete.
Guarding an old injury while you move? Chronic low back pain? Ankle, knee, hip injuries that affect your movement? Pilates for dancers and athletes will give you the core engagement you need to overcome your limitations and succeed in your movement goals.
You’ll Learn:
To safely load and challenge the body for dynamic stability
Hypermobile joint control
How to lengthen tight muscles and retrain weak ones
How to stabilize your Lumbar, Thoracic, Cervical spine to tackle challenging moves
Causes and cures for dancer/athlete low back pain
How to effectively increase your range of motion
How to engage core muscles to protect the spine

Pilates Training for Dancers/Athletes
The number one contributing factor to a healthy, active body is core engagement. Pilates has proven to positively affect issues common to dancers and athletes such as:
Upper/Lower Crossed Syndromes
Spinal Instability
Sacral Iliac Joint Dysfunction
Cervical Spine Dysfunction
Piriformis Syndrome
Lateral Pelvic Tilt, Snapping Hip Syndrome
Shoulder Instability.
Through Pilates training dancers and athletes learn why body habits affect training and performance and learn how to work with persistent body limitations to become more effective movers,
Reduce your pain and renew your core.
Develop Local Stabilizers (core muscles)- use of light muscular loads, stabilize in neutral and increase proprioception of deep core stabilizers while moving
Strengthen Global Stabilizers (larger muscles like biceps): use of low to medium muscular loads, eccentric control, full ROM, challenge stability, Challenge
Global Mobilizers(like quads and hamstrings): higher muscular loads, concentric contraction, full ROM and quick and/or explosive movements
"As a former gymnast and professional dancer, I'd dealt with multiple hip and back injuries that at times had left me feeling that I would simply have to give up all but the most basic of movement. However, Julie helped me to realize that most of the injuries were actually tied to a general lack of core strength and alignment. Working with her over the years has led me to be not just stronger and more balanced, but highly aware of my body and how to ensure proper technique in every movement that I make, no matter how small. The results have been life-changing: not only am I able to manage my past injuries to prevent and alleviate pain, but I've been able to prevent further injuries as I continue my fitness, dance and performance journey. I truly credit Julie's expertise for that.”
~Tricia Gray
Every body is different:
Often highly trained movers come to Pilates feeling that they’ve learned all that they can to safeguard an old injury or even to increase their performance. They are innately wise in understanding that there can always be more growth but often need the support and tools to have those break through moments.
Individual sessions help uncover underlying patterns that are missing and establish exercises to support your goals and desires. One on one sessions are designed to help you become a more confident and effective in your movement style.
In a group setting, cueing is specific to chronic patterns dancers and athletes can experience. For example, engaging gluts with co contraction of deep abdominals stabilizes the pelvis and sets up the lower body to extend the leg back and up without yanking on the low spine.
About Julie
Julie is a Certified Laban Bartenieff Movement analyst- which means she works directly with movers to gain greater body connectivity and expression. She is a Certified Pilates and Yoga Instructor as well as Master Pilates Trainer for Club Pilates. Julie has taught and performed across the globe, working with groups and individuals to move and express from the core and to achieve their personal movement goals.
She is founder and director of Amrita dance Co and Lila Devi Teen Dance Co. She has taught throughout schools and Universities across the Bay Area, in private studios and online. Julie is founder of move 2 Change, an award winning studio which was home to over 25 dance styles and teachers from all walks of life.
Pilates for dancers and athletes is designed to meet your needs, become more confident, effective and expressive!